Prof. Dr. Hüseyin AVCI
Prof. Dr. Hüseyin AVCI
  • Dahili Telefon: 3688
  • E-Posta: email
  • Lisans: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Tekstil Mühendisliği
  • Yüksek Lisans: NC State University, Tekstil Kimyası
  • Doktora: NC State University, Fiber ve Polimer Bilimi
  • Uzmanlık Alanları: Biyosensör, Doku mühendisliği, Medikal Uygulamalar, Organs on chips, Polimerler, NanoScience, Teknik Tekstiller
  • YÖKSİS: YÖK Akademik Sayfası


  • Adı Soyadı:   Hüseyin AVCI



  1. Finalist, Distinguished Young Alumni Award, Wilson College of Textiles, NC State University, 2020
  2. Research Highlight: Front Cover: Journal of Applied Polymer Science (IF: 2.188), 2020
  3. Research Highlight: Front Cover: ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (IF: 4.511), 2020
  4. En iyi proje öneri ödülü, Uludag Textile Exporters' Association (UTIB), 2017
  5. Araştırmada Öne Çıkanlar: "Advanced Science (IF: 12,441)" Dergisinde Dergi Îç Kapağı
  6. En iyi profesör ödülü, Biomaterials Innovation Research Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, 2016
  7. Certificate of Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, 2016
  8. TheIIER Excellent Paper Award, 2015
  9. TUBITAK, Research Award, 2014
  10. T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Teşekkür Belgesi, 2009
  11. T.C. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı, Yurtdışı Doktora Eğitim Bursu, 2007
  12. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü, İkincilik Ödülü, 2005,
  13. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü, Onur Öğrencisi, 2005
  14. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü, En İyi Poster Sunumu, Üçüncülük Ödülü, 2005



  1. Organ on a Chip: Opportunities and Challenges. BioTurkiye 2020. Ottoman Archive Complex, Istanbul, 2020
  2. Synergistic engineering of organoids: A platform for drug discovery and personalized medicine. V. Life Sciences Congress. Abdullah Gul University, Kayseri, 2020
  3. Biomimetic Approaches to Tissue Engineering of Organoids. VI. International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, 2020
  4. Recent Approaches in Tissue Engineering. Bahcesehir College, Eskisehir, 2019
  5. Development of Microphysiological Systems and Applications in Medicine. Stem Cell Reginonal Meetings - IV. Eskisehir Osmangazi University​​, 2019
  6. A New Era in Personalized Medicine: Human On a Chip. II. Biotechnology Vision Summit. Gebze Technical University, 2018
  7. Human Organ-on-a-Chip. Bogazici University, 2017
  8. Organ-on-Chip platforms for in situ monitoring of organoid behaviors. Gebze Technical University and Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, 2017
  9. Organs on chips: The future of drug development and study of disease. Istanbul Medipol University, 2017.
  10. A New Approach to Produce Eco-friendly Natural Based Antibacterial PVA and PEO Nanofibers Mats / COT, NC State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, 2012 



  • Lisans: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, 2005

  • Yüksek Lisans: NC State University, Tekstil Kimyası, 2010

  • Doktora: NC State University, Fiber ve Polimer Bilimi, 2013

  • Postdoc 1: NC State University, Fiber ve Polimer Bilimi, 2014

  • Postdoc 2: ITU&The BOEING Company, 2014

  • Misafir Araştırmacı: Harvard Medical School; Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology; Brigham and Women's Hospital, 2016   



  • Doçent Dr. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 21 Haziran 2019 - 

  • Yardımcı Doçent Dr. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 25 Eylül 2014 - 21 Haziran 2019



  • Biyosensör, Doku mühendisliği, Medikal Uygulamalar, Organs on chips, Polimerler, NanoScience, Teknik Tekstiller



  1. 2535 TUBITAK -IRAN MSRT Call For Proposals: Development of a cost effective and highly sensitive on-chip platform: Cyclotides on a Chip. Principal Investigator: Huseyin Avci (₺100K)

  2. TUBITAK-1002 Short Term R&D Funding Program (Researcher): Evaluation of controlled drug release in mesenchymal stem cell-loaded composite living-fibers of biotextile (₺45K)

  3. TUBITAK-1003 Primary Subjects R&D Funding Program: Development of New Generation Functional Fibers. Principal Investigator: Huseyin Avci ($127K)

  4. Katip Celebi Newton Fund (Consultant): A fully integrated rapid on-chip antibiotic susceptibility test - a case study for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (€ 343,348)

  5. TUBITAK-3001 (Consultant): Fabrication of multi layered skin tissues by 3D Bioprinters, improvement of them via microfluidic bioreactors, evaluation of them for skin on a chip platforms and investigation of them for possible uses in bionic arm applications ($16K).

  6. The ESOGU Scientific Research Fund: Developing Sensor Systems for Investigation Marine Toxins. Principal Investigator: Huseyin Avci (₺99,635)

  7. The ESOGU Scientific Research Fund (Researcher): Development of functional core/shell nanofibers-based biomaterials (₺14,999).

  8. The ESOGU Scientific Research Fund: Production of Antibacterial and Wound-Healing Nano-Fibers Containing Eco-Friendly and Natural Compounds. Principal Investigator: Huseyin Avci ($36,000) We are working on to produce nanofibers including different plants extract from Anatolia with high antibacterial activity and healing capacity for some common wound infections.

  9. The ESOGU Scientific Research Fund (Researcher): Design of Advanced Three- Dimensional (3D) Eco-Friendly Fiber Reinforced Bio-Composite Structures ($36,000) In this study, the design of 3D bio-composites material composed of natural plant and resins for the purpose of low thermal conductivity withsound absorption and higher mechanical properties is aimed. On the other hand, absorption the radiation beam by the bio-composites is also investigated. It is proposed to use this novel and eco-friendly materials in the automotive and construction industry.

  10. TUBITAK-BIDEB & Harvard Medical School; Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology; Brigham and Women's Hospital: Textile Fabrication Technique of Composite Living Fibers for Muscle Tissue Engineering. Principal Investigator: Huseyin Avci ($30,000) The aim of this project was to mimic the morphology and mechanical properties of muscle tissue. For this purpose, cell-laden fibers were transformed into tissue scaffolds using a braiding textile technique.

  11. The ESOGU Scientific Research Fund: Dynamic Manipulation of Thermoplastic Elastomer of Poly (styrene-b-(ethylene-co-butylene)-b- styrene) for Engineering Functional Electrospun Nanofibers.Principal Investigator: Huseyin Avci ($5,500) We worked on to obtain functional nanofibers from SEBS triblock copolymer containing natural and synthetic agents with high elasticity and strength via using the benefits of electrospinning. To the best of our knowledge, there is no published scientific data on nanofibers from SEBS triblock copolymer. The potential of produced functional electrospun nanofibers in medical and water purification was also investigated.

  12. ITU&The BOEING Company (Postdoc): Photocatalytic Cabin Air Filters for Aeroplanes ($350,000).

  13. NSF project t#: 0809520: US-Egypt Cooperative Research: Production of New Biocidal Textiles Using Advanced Nano and Melt Spinning TechniquesPrincipal Investigator: Richard Kotek ($24,300) We worked on melt spinning process of synthetic fibers in presence of biocidal nano-particles. The goal was to develop new nano biocidal-based textile materials and enhance collaboration and capabilities in the research areas, and may also create patented materials. I worked as a research assistant and carried out the work at NC State University

  14. Novel Melt Spun/Melt Ordered Process for Producing High Performance Polyester FibersPrincipal Investigator: Richard Kotek ($147,796) We studied on a novel method which was developed by the combination of ECOlogical Bath (ECOB) and melt spinning technique in order to facilitates the formation and maintenance of highly-extended, minimally crystallized or fully crystallized chains in the threadline of fibers that are suitable for production of high strength/modulus (high performance) filaments. The goal was to produce ultra-high performance fibers by using this method via one-step process. I worked as a research assistant and performed the study at NC State University and at a private company.






  1. Norouz Dizaji A, Ozturk Y, Ghorbanpoor H, Cetak A, Akcakoca I, Kocagoz T, Avci H., Corrigan D, Dogan Guzel F. Investigation of the effect of channel structure and flow rate on on-chip bacterial lysis. IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience. 2020. Accepted.
  2. Dogan Guzel  F., Ghorbanpoor H., Dizaji A.N., Akcakoca I., Ozturk Y., Kocagoz T., Corrigan D.K., Avci H. Label‐free molecular detection of antibiotic susceptibility for Mycobacterium smegmatis using a low cost electrode format. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 2020. Accepted.
  3. Akpek A., Öztürk A.B., Alarçin E., Avci H., Avci Adali M. Recent Advances in 4D Bioprinting. Research Journal of Biomedical and Biotechnology, 2020, 1(1), 20-23.
  4. Seyhan A., Tepekiran B. N., Polat, Y., Kilic, A., Demir A., Avci H. Self-assembled fibrillar polyethylene crystals with tunable properties. Polymer Engineering and Science, 2020. Accepted.
  5. Blair, E. O., Hannah, S., Vezza, V., Avci, H., Kocagoz, T., Hoskisson, P. A., ... & Corrigan, D. K. Biologically modified microelectrode sensors provide enhanced sensitivity for detection of nucleic acid sequences from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sensors and Actuators Reports, 2020. Accepted.
  6. Inci I., Dizaji A. N., Ozel C., Morali U., Guzel F. D., Avci H. Decellularized Inner Body Membranes for Tissue Engineering: A Review. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2020. Accepted.
  7. Avci H., Akkulak E., Gergeroglu H., Ghorbanpoor H., Uysal O., Sariboyaci A. E., Demir B., Soykan M.N., Pat S., Mohammadigharehbagh R., Özel C., Cabuk A., Güzel F. D. Flexible SEBS Hybrid Nanofibers for Bioengineering and Water Filtration Applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020. Accepted.
  8. Akbulut S. O., İpteç B. Ö., Butterworth A., Ghorbanpoor H., Avcıoğlu G., Kozacı L. D., Topateş G., Corrigan D., Avci H., Güzel F. D. Impedance testing of porous Si3N4 scaffolds for skeletal implant applications. SN Applied Sciences, 2020. Accepted.

  9. Fallahi A., Yazdi I., Serex L., Lasha E., Faramarzi N., Tarlan F., Avci H., Almeida R., Sharifi F., Rinoldi C., Gomes, M.E., Shin S.R., Khademhosseini A., Akbari M., Tamayol A. Customizable composite fibers for engineering skeletal muscle models. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. 2019. Accepted.

  10. Avci H., Hassain A., Hamouda T., Kilic A. (2019). High Performance Fibers: A Review on Current State of Art and Future Challenges. The Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, 27(2), 130-155

  11. Avci H., & Gergeroglu H. (2019). Synergistic effects of plant extracts and polymers on structural and antibacterial properties for wound healing. Polymer Bulletin, 1-23.

  12. Avci H., Ureyen M.E., Kilic A., Saglam A.E., Demir A. Recent Developments and Future Directions in Flame Retardant Polypropylene Polymer and Fiber Applications. Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, 2019. Accepted.

  13. Chang S., Kilic T., Lee C., Avci H., Bae, H. Oskui S., ... & Kim S. (2018). Reversible Redox Activity by Ion-pH Dually Modulated Duplex Formation of i-Motif DNA with Complementary G-DNA. Nanomaterials, 8(4), 226.

  14. Shaegh S., Pourmand A., Nabavinia M., Avci H., Tamayol A., Mostafalu P., Ghavifekr H., Aghdam E., Dokmeci M., Zhang S., Khademhosseini A. Rapid Prototyping of Whole-Thermoplastic Microfluidics with Built-in Microvalves Using Laser Ablation and Thermal Fusion Bonding. 2018. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical. Accepted

  15. Dogan Guzel F., Avci H. Fabrication of Nanopores In an Ultra-Thin Polyimide Membrane for Biomolecule Sensing. 2018. IEEE Sensors Journal. Accepted.

  16. Avci H., Akkulak E., Gergeroglu H., Ghorbanpoor H., Baksan, B. & Güzel, F. D. Production and Analysis of Functional SEBS Nanofibers by Electrospinning. The Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, 2018; 26(2), 40-46.

  17. Adhami S., Ghorbanpoor H., Azak B., Kapucu S., Nurbas M., & Avci H. A Novel Approach for Water Treatment by Using Activated Carbon: Apricot Kernel Shell. The Journal of Engineering and Architecture Faculty of Eskisehir Osmangazi University, 2018; 26(1), 1-7.

  18. Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., & Nurbas, M. Preparation of origanum minutiflorum oil-loaded core–shell structured chitosan nanofibers with tunable properties. 2018. Polymer Bulletin. Accepted.

  19. Costa-Almeida R., Domingues R. M.A., Fallahi A., Avci H., Yazdi I. K., Akbari M., Reis R. L., Tamayol A., Gomes M. E., Khademhosseini A. Cell-Laden Composite Suture Threads for Repairing Damaged Tendons. 2018. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. Accepted.

  20. Avci H., Guzel F.D., Erol S., Akpek A. Recent advances in organ-on-a-chip technologies and future challenges: A Review. 2018. Turkish Journal of Chemistry. Accepted.

  21. Douglass, E. F., Avci H., Boy, R., Rojas, O. J., & Kotek, R. A review of cellulose and cellulose blends for preparation of bio-derived and conventional membranes, nanostructured thin films and composites. Polymer Reviews. 2018. Accepted.

  22. Zhang YS, Aleman J, Shin SR, Kilic T, Kim D, Shaegh SAM, Massa S, Riahi R, Chae S, Hu N, Avci H. ,..., Atala A, Khademhosseini A. A Multi-Sensor-Integrated Organ-on-Chips Platform for Automated and Continual in situ Monitoring of Organoid Behaviors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2017. Accepted.

  23. Shin SR, Kilic T, Zhang YS, Avci H. ,...,Khademhosseini A. Label-free and Regenerative Electrochemical Microfluidic Biosensors for Continual Monitoring of Cell Secretomes. Advanced Science. 2017. Accepted.

  24. Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., Topcu I. B., Nurbas M. Investigation and Recycling of Paint Sludge with Cement and Lime for Producing Lightweight Construction Mortar. Journal of Environmental Management. 2017. Accepted.

  25. Avci H., Gergeroglu H. Functional Composite Nanofibers Derived from Natural Extract of Satureja Hortensis. Journal of Science and Technology –A Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2017. Accepted.

  26. Ghorbanpoor H., Topcu I. B., Avci H., Nurbaş M. Atık Boya Çamuru ile Üretilen Betonların özellikleri. 2017. Yapi Dünyası. 252-253, 42-45.

  27. Avci H., Ozdemir A. Sustainable Approach to Produce Polyurethane Composite Foams with Natural Materials. 2017. Celal Bayar University Journal of Science. Accepted.

  28. Nurbas, M., Ghorbanpoor, H., Avci, H. An eco-friendly approach to synthesis and characterization of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles using Platanus orientalis L. leaf extrac. Dig J Nanomater Biostruct. 2017; 12(4), 993-1000.

  29. Nurbas M., Ghorbanpoor H., Avci H. Investigation Of 3D Bio-Composite Structures Using Vacuum Infusion Method Via Chicken Feathers Fibers. Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology. 2017; 1(2), 5-10.

  30. Shin, S. R., Zhang, Y. S., Kim, D. J., Manbohi, A., Avci H. ,..., Righi, M. Aptamer- based microfluidic electrochemical biosensor for monitoring cell-secreted trace cardiac biomarkers. Analytical Chemistry. 2016; 88(20), 10019-10027.

  31. Costa-Almeida, R., Tamayol, A., Yazdi, I. K., Avci H., Fallahi, A., Annabi, N., ...Khademhosseini, A. A textile platform using mechanically reinforced hydrogel fibres towards engineering tendon niche. In TERMIS-EU 2016 Conference Towards Future Regenerative Therapies. 2016; 31(S1), 101-101. AO Foundation.

  32. Yoon, J. H., Avci H., Najafi, M., Nasri, L., Hudson, S. M., & Kotek, R. Development of high‐tenacity, high‐modulus poly (ethylene terephthalate) filaments via a next generation wet‐melt‐spinning process. Polymer Engineering & Science. 2016. Accepted.

  33. Nurbas M., Ghorbanpoor H., Avci H. Effect of Reinforced Materials on Mechanical Properties of 3D Composite Structure. IJMPE. 2016; 4(2): 1-4.

  34. Calisir M. D., Erol M., Kilic A., Avci H. Photophysical properties of phosphorescent elastomeric composite nanofibers. Dyes Pigments. 2016; 125: 95-99.

  35. Avci H., Najafi M., Kilic A., Kotek R. Highly crystalline and oriented high‐strength poly (ethylene terephthalate) fibers by using low molecular weight polymer. J. Appl. Polym. Sci.2015;132(45).

  36. Najafi M, Avci H., Kotek R. High‐performance filaments by melt spinning low viscosity nylon 6 using horizontal isothermal bath process. Polym. Eng. Sci.2015; 55(11): 2457-2464.

  37. Avci H., Kotek R, Toliver B. Controlling of threadline dynamics via a novel method to develop ultra-high performance polypropylene filaments. Polym. Eng. Sci.2014;1-13.

  38. Keene B, Bourham M, Viswanath V, Avci H., Kotek R. Characterization of degradation of polypropylene nonwovens irradiated by γ-ray. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014;131(4):1-10.

  39. Avci H., Monticello R, Kotek R. Characterization and development of a new method for determination charge density of 3-(trimethoxysilyl)-propyldimethyloctadecyl ammonium chloride coatings on polyester surfaces. AATCC Review. 2014;1(3):1-10.

  40. Avci H., Monticello R, Kotek R. Preparation of antibacterial PVA and PEO nanofibers containing Lawsonia Inermis (henna) leaf extracts. J. Biomater. Sci., Polym. Ed. 2013; 24(16):1815-1830.

  41. Avci H., Kotek R, Yoon J. (2013). Developing an ecologically friendly isothermal bath to obtain a new class high-tenacity and high-modulus polypropylene fibers. J. Mater. Sci., 48(22):7791-7804.

  42. Gawish SM, Avci H., Ramadan AM, Mosleh S, Monticello R, Breidt F, Kotek R. (2012). Properties of antibacterial polypropylene/nanometal composite fibers. J. Biomater. Sci., Polym. Ed.

  43. Gawish S., Kotek R., Monticello R., Ramadan A., Avci H., & Mosleh S. (2010). Effective Commercial Additives For Improving Poly-Propylene Fibres Properties By The Melt Extrusion Process. Al-Azhar Bulletin of Science-Basic Science Sector 21 (1-A), 249-267

  44. Inci I., et al., Avci H. Decellularized Inner Body Membranes for Tissue Engineering: A Review. Submitted to Biomaterials Science (2019).
  45. Mostafalu P., et al., Avci H. Biocompatible hydrogel fibers with tunable electrical properties. Submitted to Biofabrication.



  1. Avci H. Development of antimicrobial materials. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr.Müller; 2011. (Kitap)

  2. Kotek R., Afshari M., Avci H., Najafi M. Production of polyolefins (a chapter): Ugbolue, S. C. (Ed.). Polyolefin Fibres: Structure, Properties and Industrial Applications, Second Edition; Elsevier; 2017. (Kitap bölümü)



  1. Koc Y., Moralı U., Erol S., Avci H. Çeşitli Redoks Problarının Ekran Baskılı Karbon Elektrodun Elektrokimyasal Davranışı Üzerindeki Etkisinin Dönüşümlü Voltametri Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi. 32. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi. 2020 September 17-19.  
  2. Seyhan, A., Tepekiran, B. N., Polat, Y., Kilic, A., Demir A., Avci H. Investigation of Hot Drawing on Chain Orientation Using Linear Low-Density Polyethylene Fibers. VII. International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, Turkey. 2020 September 25-26
  3. Avci H. Organ on a Chip: Opportunities and Challenges. BioTurkiye, Istanbul, Turkey. 2020 March 5-7.

  4. Avci H. Synergistic engineering of organoids: A platform for drug discovery and personalized medicine. V. Life Sciences Congress, Kayseri, Turkey. 2020 February 21-22.

  5. Avci H. Biomimetic approaches to tissue engineering of organoids. VI. International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, Turkey. 2020 January 24-25.

  6. Tepekiran, B. N., Seyhan, A., Polat, Y., Kilic, A., Demir A., Avci H. Improving flame retardancy of PE with halogen-free materials. VI. International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, Turkey. 2020 January 24-25.

  7. Seyhan A., Tepekiran B. N., Polat, Y., Kilic, A., Demir A., Avci H. Surface modification of polyethylene by a simple post-treatment method. VI. International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, Turkey. 2020 January 24-25.

  8. Koc Y., Moralı U., Erol S., Avci H. Investigation of immobilization process of screen printed carbon electrode for an advanced biosensor: A detailed characterization. IV. International Scientific and Vocational Studies Congress – Engineering, Ankara, Turkey. 2019 November 7-9.

  9. Akbulut S.O., Iptec B.O, Butterworth A., Ghorbanpoor H., Avcioglu G., Kozaci L.D., Topates G., Corrigan D., Avci H., Güzel F.D. Impedance Testing of Porous Si3N4 Scaffolds for Skeletal Implant Applications. 5th International Conference on Engineering Sciences, Ankara, Turkey. 2019 September 19.

  10. Avci H., Anil H., Koc Y., Morali U., Salim E. Developing Biosensors for Food Safety Analysis. 4th International Congress on Biosensors, Canakkale, Turkey. 2019 July 8-11.

  11. Seyhan, A., Tepekiran, B. N., Polat, Y., Kilic, A., Demir A., Avci, H. Development of Crystal Cleavage for Low Molecular Weight Linear Polymer. 5th International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey. 2019 May 2-3.

  12. Akbulut S.O., Iptec B.O, Butterworth A., Ghorbanpoor H., Avcioglu G., Akbas Y., Oksuz S., Kozaci L.D., Topates G., Güzel F.D., Corrigan D., Avci H. Novel Nanofibre Integrated SiN Scaffolds for Skeletal Implant Applications. 14th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Izmir, Turkey. 2018 September 22-25.

  13. Kilic T., Shin S.R., Zhang Y.S., Avci H., Dokmeci M., Khademhosseini A. A Novel Microfluidic Liver on a Chip Platform for Prediction of Drug Toxicity. VII. Polymer Science & Technology Congress with International Participation, Eskisehir, Turkey. 2018 September 9-12.

  14. Kara Magden G., Avci H., Nurbas M. Development of Electrospun Core/Shell Nanofibers for Anti-Diabetic Controlled Drug Carrier Systems. VII. Polymer Science & Technology Congress with International Participation, Eskisehir, Turkey. 2018 September 9-12.

  15. Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., Nurbas M. Production of Core–Shell Nanofibers for Controlled Drug Delivery for Their Potential Application in Wound Healing. VII. Polymer Science & Technology Congress with International Participation, Eskisehir, Turkey. 2018 September 9-12.

  16. Avci H. Heart on a Chip in Microfluidic Technology for Drug Discovery. 3rd International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, Turkey. 2018 March 8-9

  17. Gergeroglu H., Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., Nurbas M. Production of Magnetic Electrospun Nanofibers for Use in Cancer Threapy. X. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2018 March 8-9

  18. Butt H., Avci H. Label-Free Glucose-Sensitive Optical Hydrogel Fibers. X. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2018 March 8-9

  19. Butt H., Avci H. Wearable Optical Fiber Sensor for Prolonged Continues Glucose Monitoring at Point of Care. X. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2018 March 8-9

  20. Avci H., Shin SR. Robotic Microactuator-Controlled Catheters for Minimally Invasive Surgery. X. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2018 March 8-9

  21. Avci H., Gergeroglu H. Development of Ballistic Hybrid Nonwovens by Impregnated with Nanocrystalline Particles. X. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2018 March 8-9

  22. Mousavi A., Avci H. Rapid Prototyping of Whole-Thermoplastic Microfluidics. 3rd International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, Turkey. 2018 March 8-9

  23. Nurbas M., Ghorbanpoor H., Avci H. Coaxial-Electrospun Core–Shell Nanofibers for Medical Application. 13th International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Antalya, Turkey. 2017 October 22-25.

  24. Avci H. Microfluidic Biosensor Integrated Organ-an-a-Chip System for Drug Discovery. International Congress on Chemistry and Materials Science, Ankara, Turkey. 2017 October 5-7.

  25. Ghorbanpoor H., Avci H., Nurbas M. An Effective Natural Approach to Synthesize Magnetic Nanoparticles. International Congress on Chemistry and Materials Science, Ankara, Turkey. 2017 October 5-7.

  26. Adhami S., Ghorbanpoor H., Nurbas M., Avci H. Application of Activated Carbon to the Removal of Methylene Blue in Drinking Water. International Congress on Chemistry and Materials Science, Ankara, Turkey. 2017 October 5-7.

  27. Adhami S., Ghorbanpoor H., Avci H., Nurbas M. Journey of Apricot Kernel Shell to Clean Water: Activated Carbon. ESOGU Project Exhibition Event, Eskisehir, Turkey. 2017 May 23.

  28. Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., Topcu I., Nurbas M. Production of Fiber Reinforced Lightweight Construction Material by Recycling of Paint Sludge. IX. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2017 April 27-28.

  29. Nurbas M., Ghorbanpoor H., Avci H. 3D Braided Chicken Feather Reinforced Biocomposites. 2nd International Fiber and Polymer Research Symposium, Bursa, Turkey. 2017 April 27-28.

  30. Avci H., Gergeroglu H., Akkulak E., Toptas Y., Cabuk A. Green and Sustainable Approach for Design of Antibacterial Wound Care Dressings. International Conference on Engineering Technology and Innovation, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2017 March 22-26.

  31. Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., Nurbas M. Design of Transparent and Antimicrobial PM2.5 Air Filter by using Electrospun Nanofibers. VIII. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2016 May 12-13.

  32. Akkulak E., Gergeroglu H., Ghorbanpoor H., Baksan B., Nurbas M., Avci H. Dynamic Manipulation of Thermoplastic Elastomer of Poly (styrene-b-(ethylene- co-butylene)-bstyrene) for Engineering Functional Electrospun Nanofibers. 12th  International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Kocaeli, Turkey. 2016 June 03-05.

  33. Gergeroglu H., Akkulak E., Ghorbanpoor H., Baksan B., Nurbas M., Avci H. Production of Antibacterial and Wound-Healing Nano-Fibers Containing Eco- Friendly and Natural Compounds. 12th International Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference, Kocaeli, Turkey. 2016 June 03-05.

  34. Ozdemir A. U., Gergeroglu H., Avci H. Development of Composite Polyurethane Foam Using Environmentally Friendly Materials. 28th National Chemistry Congress, Mersin, Turkey. 2016 August 15-21.

  35. Yazdi I., Fallahi A., Avci H., Tamayol, A. et al. Textile Platform for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering. NIH- Training Grantees Meeting, Maryland. 2016 July 11-12.

  36. Costa-Almeida R., Tamayol A., Yazdi I., Avci H., Fallahi A., Annabi N., Reis L.Y., Gomes M.E., Khademhosseini A. Mechanically Reinforced Hydrogel Fibers for Tendon Tissue Engineering. 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting (5th PYCheM) and 1st European Young Chemists Meeting (1st EYCheM), Portuguese. 2016 April 26-29.

  37. Tamayol A., Yazdi I., Fallahi A., Costa-Almeida R., Avci H., Mostafalu P., Gergeroglu H., Khademhosseini A. Textile Tissue Engineering: A Path Towards Organ Fabrication. VIII. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, Turkey. 2016 May 12-13.

  38. Tamayol A, Yazdi IK, Fallahi A, Nabavinia M, Avci H., Costa-Almeida R, Santiago GT, Alvarez MM, Akbari M, Annabi N and Khademhosseini A. Textile Tissue Engineering: A Path Towards Organ Weaving. Bioeng. Biotechnol. Conference Abstract: 10th World Biomaterials Congress. doi: 10.3389/conf.FBIOE.2016.01.00108. 2016 May 17-22.

  39.  Costa-Almeida R., Tamayol A., Yazdi I., Avci H., Fallahi A., Annabi N., Reis L.Y., Gomes M.E., Khademhosseini A. A Textile Platform Using Mechanically Reinforced Hydrogel Fibres Towards Engineering Tendon Niche. European Chapter Meeting of the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society, Sweden. 2016 June 28 – July 1.

  40. Tamayol A, Yazdi IK, Fallahi A, Nabavinia M, Avci H, Costa-Almeida R, Santiago GT, Alvarez MM, Akbari M, Annabi N and Khademhosseini A. Fiber Textile Technology for Musculoskeletal Tissue Engineering Applications. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis. 2016 October 5-8.

  41. Nurbas M., Ghorbanpoor H., Avci H. Effect of Reinforced Materials on Mechanical Properties of 3D Composite Structure. International Conference of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering; 2015 December 11; Barcelona, Spain. (Best Presentation & Best Content)

  42. Tamayol A., Yazdi I., Nabavinia M., Fallahi A., Khoshakhlagh P., Akbari M.,Avci H., Mostafalu P., Nejad H. R., Najafabadi Z. G., Annabi N., Khademhosseini A. Bioactive Composite Living Fibers for Organ Weaving. Discover Brigham; 2015 October 7; Boston, MA, USA.

  43. Nurbas M., Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H. Ince M. E. Design of Advanced Green 3D Fiber Reinforced Composite Structures. Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on 3D Fabrics and Their Applications; 2015 May 26-28; Raleigh, NC, USA.

  44. Avci H. Development of Novel 3D Reinforced Composites for Advanced Materials. Proceedings of the Sixth World Conference on 3D Fabrics and Their Applications; 2015 May 26-28; Raleigh, NC, USA.

  45. Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., Gergeroglu H., Cengiz M., Nurbas M., Kotek R., Şaylan E. Production of New Generation Functional Fiber By Ecofriendly Isothermal Bath. VII. International R&D Brokerage Event, Bursa, and ESOGU Project Exhibition Event; 2015 May 27-29; Eskisehir, Turkey.

  46. Avci H., Ghorbanpoor H., Gergeroglu H., Cengiz M., Nurbas M., Kotek R., Şaylan E. Development of an Alternative Carbon Fiber Precursor Via Eco- Friendly Methods. VII. International R&D Brokerage Event; 2015 May 27-29; Bursa, Turkey.

  47. Avci H. Ozdemir A. U. Production of Polyurethane Foams by Green Approaches Using Natural Fibers and Materials. ESOGU Project Exhibition Event; 2015 May 20-21; Eskisehir, Turkey.

  48. Avci H. Taneroglu H. An investigation of the Mechanical Properties of GGG 40.3 Ductile Iron. ESOGU Project Exhibition Event; 2015 May 20-21; Eskisehir, Turkey.

  49. Avci H. Kotek R. A New Generation of High Performance Functional Composite Fibers. 1st International Conference of Sustainable Composite Technologies; 2014 November 3-5; Isparta, Turkey.

  50. Avci H, Kucuksari A, Cebeci H, Kilic A. Design strategy for novel nanohybrid photocatalytic cabin air filters. 14th World Textile Conference, AUTEX; 2014 May 26-28; Bursa, Turkey.

  51. Najafi MM, Kotek R, Avci H. Unique polyamide fibers by hIB process. The Fiber Society Spring Technical Conference; 2014 May 21-23; Liberec, Czech Republic.

  52. Kucuksari A, Avci H, Cebeci H, Kilic A. Development and testing of nanofiber filtration system for removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in aircraft cabins. Nanotechnology Student Conference NanoTR-Student; 2013 Oct 22; Istanbul, Turkey.

  53. Najafi MM., Avci H, Boy R, Iliya E, Makhmatkulova Z, Kotek R. Modifying mechanical properties of nylon-6 multifilament yarn by eco-friendly isothermal bath. 127th NC ACS Sectional Conference; 2013 Nov 1; Raleigh, NC.

  54. Avci H, Yoon J, Kotek R. Investigation on the effect of precursors on the formation of crystallization for ultra high performance fibers. The Fiber Society Fall Conference; 2013 Oct 23-25; Clemson, SC.

  55.  Avci H, Hudson SM, Kotek R. ‘Green’ engineering for obtaining a new class of high- performance polyolefin, nylon & polyester nonwovens. V. International R&D Brokerage Event; 2013 Apr 04-05; Bursa, Turkey.

  56. Avci H, Hudson SM, Kotek R. ‘Green’ engineering for obtaining a new class of high-performance polyolefin yarns. V. International R&D Brokerage Event; 2013 Apr 04-05; Bursa, Turkey.

  57. Avci H, Hudson SM, Kotek R. ‘Green’ Engineering for Obtaining a New Class of High-Performance Nylon & Polyester Yarns. V. International R&D Brokerage Event; 2013 Apr 04-05; Bursa, Turkey.

  58. Avci H, Yoon HJ, Kotek R. Developing an unusual formation of a precursor for crystallization of high performance pet fibers using a low molecular weight polymer. 245th ACS National Meeting and Exposition; 2013 Apr 7-11; New Orleans, LA.

  59. Avci H, Kotek R. ‘Green’ engineering for obtaining a new class of high- performance fibers. The 8th Annual NC State University Graduate Student Research Symposium; 2013 Mar 19; Raleigh, NC.

  60. Avci H, Yoon HJ, Kotek R. Developing an environmentally friendly isothermal bath to obtain a new class of high-performance fibers. The Fiber Society Fall Conference; 2012 Nov 7-9; Boston, MA

  61. Yoon J, Avci H, Kotek R, Hudson S. Determination of Skin-Friction Drag Force in the Modified Melt Spinning Process of Ultra-High-Tenacity PET Fibers. The Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS); 2012 Nov 14-17; Raleigh, NC.

  62. Yoon H, Avci H, Kotek R. Melt Spinning of high performance poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) yarn via utilizing a horizontal isothermal bath (hIB) in the threadline. 4th Triangle Soft Matter Workshop; 2012 May 14; Raleigh, NC.

  63. Kotek R, Avci H. Preparation of antibacterial PVA and PEO nanofibers containing lawsonia inermis (henna) leaf extracts. 10th World Textile Conference, AUTEX; 2010 June 21-23; Vilnius, Lithuania.



  1. The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

  2. Technology and Innovation Support Programs of Turkey (TEYDEB)
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